

TRACING: [908] THE TOUCH OF SATAN (1970) TO [1002] THE GIRL IN GOLD BOOTS (1969) ...

1. [908] THE TOUCH OF SATAN   -> [810] THE GIANT SPIDER INVASION   Robert Easton as Mr. Keitel / Kester
2. [810] THE GIANT SPIDER INVASION   -> [515] WILD, WILD WORLD OF BATWOMAN   Steve Brodie as Dr. Vance / Jim Flanagan
3. [515] WILD, WILD WORLD OF BATWOMAN   -> [307] DADDY-O   Bruno VeSota as Seltzer / Sidney Chillas
4. [307] DADDY-O   -> [601] GIRLS TOWN   Dick Contino as Daddy-O/Phil Sandifer/Pete... / Stan Joyce
5. [601] GIRLS TOWN   -> [1002] THE GIRL IN GOLD BOOTS   Bara Byrnes as Dolores / Joanie Nichols

1. [908] THE TOUCH OF SATAN   -> [810] THE GIANT SPIDER INVASION   Robert Easton as Mr. Keitel / Kester
2. [810] THE GIANT SPIDER INVASION   -> [106] THE CRAWLING HAND   Alan Hale Jr. as Sheriff / Sheriff Townsend
3. [106] THE CRAWLING HAND   -> [520] RADAR SECRET SERVICE   Tristram Coffin as Security Chief Meidel / Michael
4. [520] RADAR SECRET SERVICE   -> [601] GIRLS TOWN   Robert Carson as Tom / Mr. Gardner
5. [601] GIRLS TOWN   -> [1002] THE GIRL IN GOLD BOOTS   Bara Byrnes as Dolores / Joanie Nichols

Time elapsed: 0.23556995391846 seconds  
MST3kdbx built by lx, relation map by cool d. built with obsessive love in the not too distant future/2011. keep traversing the nodes.