

TRACING: [808] THE SHE CREATURE (1956) TO [813] JACK FROST (1966) ...

1. [808] THE SHE CREATURE   -> [311] IT CONQUERED THE WORLD   Paul Blaisdell as The She-Creature / The Monster
2. [311] IT CONQUERED THE WORLD   -> [804] THE DEADLY MANTIS   David McMahon as Gen. Carpenter / Capt. Frank Carver
3. [804] THE DEADLY MANTIS   -> [422] THE DAY THE EARTH FROZE   Marvin Miller as Narrator / Narrator (voice: English...
4. [422] THE DAY THE EARTH FROZE   -> [813] JACK FROST   Georgi Millyar as Sorcerer / Baba Yaga (The Witch), 1 more.

1. [808] THE SHE CREATURE   -> [524] 12 TO THE MOON   Tom Conway as Timothy Chappel / Dr. Feodor Orloff
2. [524] 12 TO THE MOON   -> [902] PHANTOM PLANET   Anthony Dexter as Dr. Luis Vargas / Herron, 2 more.
3. [902] PHANTOM PLANET   -> [422] THE DAY THE EARTH FROZE   Marvin Miller as Introductory Narrator / Narrator (voice: English...
4. [422] THE DAY THE EARTH FROZE   -> [813] JACK FROST   Georgi Millyar as Sorcerer / Baba Yaga (The Witch), 1 more.

Time elapsed: 0.16473793983459 seconds  
MST3kdbx built by lx, relation map by cool d. built with obsessive love in the not too distant future/2011. keep traversing the nodes.