

TRACING: [608] CODE NAME: DIAMOND HEAD (1977) TO [303] POD PEOPLE (1983) ...

1. [608] CODE NAME: DIAMOND HEAD   -> [807] TERROR FROM THE YEAR 5000   Ward Costello as Captain Macintosh / Dr. Robert Hedges
2. [807] TERROR FROM THE YEAR 5000   -> [609] THE SKY DIVERS   Frederic Downs as Prof. Howard Erling / Pharmacist
3. [609] THE SKY DIVERS   -> [812] THE INCREDIBLY STRANGE CREATURES...   Titus Moede as Frankie Bonner / Hobo
4. [812] THE INCREDIBLY STRANGE CREATURES...   -> [506] EEGAH!   Ray Dennis Steckler as Jerry / Mr. Fishman, 1 more.
5. [506] EEGAH!   -> [902] PHANTOM PLANET   Richard Kiel as Eegah / The Solarite
6. [902] PHANTOM PLANET   -> [412] HERCULES AND THE CAPTIVE WOMEN   Leon Selznick as Narrator / Narrator
7. [412] HERCULES AND THE CAPTIVE WOMEN   -> [410] HERCULES AGAINST THE MOON MEN   Nando Tamberlani as Tiresia / Gladius
8. [410] HERCULES AGAINST THE MOON MEN   -> [911] DEVIL FISH   Goffredo Unger as Mogol / Fisherman That Loses Leg
9. [911] DEVIL FISH   -> [303] POD PEOPLE   Pat Starke as Dr. Janet Bates (voice:... / Tracy (voice: English...

Time elapsed: 0.16586494445801 seconds  
MST3kdbx built by lx, relation map by cool d. built with obsessive love in the not too distant future/2011. keep traversing the nodes.