

TRACING: [608] CODE NAME: DIAMOND HEAD (1977) TO [111] MOON ZERO TWO (1969) ...

1. [608] CODE NAME: DIAMOND HEAD   -> [807] TERROR FROM THE YEAR 5000   Ward Costello as Captain Macintosh / Dr. Robert Hedges
2. [807] TERROR FROM THE YEAR 5000   -> [209] THE HELLCATS   Frederic Downs as Prof. Howard Erling / Jack - Innkeeper
3. [209] THE HELLCATS   -> [202] THE SIDEHACKERS   Warren Hammack as Attorney / Mechanic, 4 more.
4. [202] THE SIDEHACKERS   -> [K15] SUPERDOME   Michael Pataki as J.C. / Tony Sicota
5. [K15] SUPERDOME   -> [814] RIDING WITH DEATH   Ed Nelson as George Beldridge / Robert Denby
6. [814] RIDING WITH DEATH   -> [818] DEVIL DOLL   William Sylvester as Leonard Driscoll / Mark English
7. [818] DEVIL DOLL   -> [901] THE PROJECTED MAN   Bryant Haliday as The Great Vorelli / Dr. Paul Steiner
8. [901] THE PROJECTED MAN   -> [111] MOON ZERO TWO   Sam Kydd as Harry Slinger / Len the Barman

Time elapsed: 0.17156600952148 seconds  
MST3kdbx built by lx, relation map by cool d. built with obsessive love in the not too distant future/2011. keep traversing the nodes.