

TRACING: [411] THE MAGIC SWORD (1962) TO [807] TERROR FROM THE YEAR 5000 (1958) ...

1. [411] THE MAGIC SWORD   -> [517] THE BEGINNING OF THE END   Paul Frees as Sir Ulrich of Germany / Helicopter Pilot
2. [517] THE BEGINNING OF THE END   -> [418] ATTACK OF THE THE EYE CREATURES   Peter Graves as Dr. Ed Wainwright / Narrator of USAF Briefing...
3. [418] ATTACK OF THE THE EYE CREATURES   -> [209] THE HELLCATS   Warren Hammack as Lt. Robertson / Attorney
4. [209] THE HELLCATS   -> [807] TERROR FROM THE YEAR 5000   Frederic Downs as Jack - Innkeeper / Prof. Howard Erling

1. [411] THE MAGIC SWORD   -> [414] TORMENTED   Merritt Stone as King / Clergyman
2. [414] TORMENTED   -> [320] THE UNEARTHLY   Harry Fleer as Frank Hubbard / Harry Jedrow
3. [320] THE UNEARTHLY   -> [619] RED ZONE CUBA   John Carradine as Dr. Charles Conway / Mr. Wilson
4. [619] RED ZONE CUBA   -> [807] TERROR FROM THE YEAR 5000   Frederic Downs as Tinsley / Prof. Howard Erling

Time elapsed: 0.17978596687317 seconds  
MST3kdbx built by lx, relation map by cool d. built with obsessive love in the not too distant future/2011. keep traversing the nodes.