

TRACING: [411] THE MAGIC SWORD (1962) TO [618] HIGH SCHOOL BIG SHOT (1959) ...

1. [411] THE MAGIC SWORD   -> [517] THE BEGINNING OF THE END   Paul Frees as Sir Ulrich of Germany / Helicopter Pilot
2. [517] THE BEGINNING OF THE END   -> [419] THE REBEL SET   John Close as Maj. Everett / Police Morgue Attendant
3. [419] THE REBEL SET   -> [618] HIGH SCHOOL BIG SHOT   Byron Foulger as Conductor / Mr. Mathews

1. [411] THE MAGIC SWORD   -> [804] THE DEADLY MANTIS   Paul Frees as Sir Ulrich of Germany / Opening Narrator
2. [804] THE DEADLY MANTIS   -> [419] THE REBEL SET   John Close as Engineer / Police Morgue Attendant
3. [419] THE REBEL SET   -> [618] HIGH SCHOOL BIG SHOT   Byron Foulger as Conductor / Mr. Mathews

1. [411] THE MAGIC SWORD   -> [414] TORMENTED   Merritt Stone as King / Clergyman
2. [414] TORMENTED   -> [419] THE REBEL SET   Gene Roth as Mr. Nelson / Conductor
3. [419] THE REBEL SET   -> [618] HIGH SCHOOL BIG SHOT   Byron Foulger as Conductor / Mr. Mathews

1. [411] THE MAGIC SWORD   -> [313] EARTH VS. THE SPIDER   Jack Kosslyn as The Ogre / Mr. Fraser, 1 more.
2. [313] EARTH VS. THE SPIDER   -> [607] BLOODLUST!   June Kenney as Carol Flynn / Betty Scott, 2 more.
3. [607] BLOODLUST!   -> [618] HIGH SCHOOL BIG SHOT   Bill Coontz as Insane man in woods / (no title), 1 more.

1. [411] THE MAGIC SWORD   -> [319] WAR OF THE COLOSSAL BEAST   Jack Kosslyn as The Ogre / Newscaster, 1 more.
2. [319] WAR OF THE COLOSSAL BEAST   -> [509] GIRL IN LOVER'S LANE   Louie Elias as Soldier / (no title)
3. [509] GIRL IN LOVER'S LANE   -> [618] HIGH SCHOOL BIG SHOT   Bill Coontz as Bill Coontz / (no title)

Time elapsed: 0.28792095184326 seconds  
MST3kdbx built by lx, relation map by cool d. built with obsessive love in the not too distant future/2011. keep traversing the nodes.